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Australian national and state-based public holiday


holiday_aus(year, state = "national")



A vector of integer(s) indicating year(s).


A state in Australia including "ACT", "NSW", "NT", "QLD", "SA", "TAS", "VIC", "WA", as well as "national".


A tibble consisting of holiday labels and their associated dates in the year(s).


Not documented public holidays:

  • AFL public holidays for Victoria

  • Queen's Birthday for Western Australia

  • Royal Queensland Show for Queensland, which is for Brisbane only

This function requires "timeDate" to be installed.


holiday_aus(2016, state = "VIC")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#>    holiday          date      
#>    <chr>            <date>    
#>  1 New Year's Day   2016-01-01
#>  2 Australia Day    2016-01-26
#>  3 Labour Day       2016-03-14
#>  4 Good Friday      2016-03-25
#>  5 Easter Saturday  2016-03-26
#>  6 Easter Sunday    2016-03-27
#>  7 Easter Monday    2016-03-28
#>  8 ANZAC Day        2016-04-25
#>  9 Queen's Birthday 2016-06-13
#> 10 Melbourne Cup    2016-11-01
#> 11 Boxing Day       2016-12-26
#> 12 Christmas Day    2016-12-27
holiday_aus(2013:2016, state = "ACT")
#> # A tibble: 44 × 2
#>    holiday          date      
#>    <chr>            <date>    
#>  1 New Year's Day   2013-01-01
#>  2 Australia Day    2013-01-28
#>  3 Canberra Day     2013-03-11
#>  4 Good Friday      2013-03-29
#>  5 Easter Saturday  2013-03-30
#>  6 Easter Sunday    2013-03-31
#>  7 Easter Monday    2013-04-01
#>  8 ANZAC Day        2013-04-25
#>  9 Queen's Birthday 2013-06-10
#> 10 Christmas Day    2013-12-25
#> # ℹ 34 more rows